domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

The struggle of a Queen.

The story of Elizabeth from her days of an innocent woman to her coronation. The protestant Queen of England is living in a difficult period of time because of many factors, such as love, the pressure from Spain and France against her.

Elizabeth proclaimed Queen of England in 1558, after the death of her half sister Mary I who wanted to stablish Catholicism as England's single faith. Once Elizabeth was crowned as Queen, her Chief adviser Sir William Cecil suggests marriage candidates because of all the pressing problems. There were many candidates to marry her such as, King Philip II of Spain, the French Duc D'Anjou. Elizabeth agrees to meet their ambassadors, but her true feelings are revealed when she meets Dudley for a secret tryst. She inmediately falls in love with him, but as he was a pirat she wanted to get to know him in secret and the only one who knew about this, was her assistant, she arranged some meetings for the Queen and Dudley. Elizabeth was not sure about what the man felt for her which was a reason to make her feel weak while big problems were happening. Spain and France wanted to make an attempt leaded by Mary from Scotland in order to get the power of England.

That is how the movie goes on. Queen Elizabeth between an unfaithfull love and the pressure from the abroad attempting against her to lose the trone.

I liked that she found someone to love after a long time of being alone. However, it was a wrong decision of her heart, what a bad luck. Loving someone who didn't love her and dealing with the fear of a war that was coming.

The characters played very good their roles, especially the main actress. When she knew about what was going on with France and Spain, I really could see that she was afraid and didn't know what to do, she expresses that feeling.

In spite of being a movie I didn't like too much, I liked the development and also part of the end. But I would have prefered the end on the other way around.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

Secrets of Stonehenge

This time I will talk about one of the world's wonders, the Stonehenge. What is important here is the great mystery hidden by the stones. I'll base this entry on the video from the BBC and also on some myths I have seen before.

From a long time ago there have existed some myths about the purpose of the Stonehenge. It has been thought that the stones are a platform where UFOs take place when they come to the earth, or as it's shown in the video, some theories say that it was created as a temple to the Sun or the Moon. However, some people have also said that it is an astronomical calendar.

In order to discover the real secret behind this ancient and great monument, a group of British archeologists made some research by duging a huge hole in that place. They found bodies with illness' signals, so the new theory about this says that Stonehenge is a place where people used to go for healing.

All around the world there are great mysteries for which any theory will be able to find their real purposes, so in my opinion I think that the Stonehenge will continue being a mystery and nobody will discover why they were created.