miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

My definition of an epic poem

I would define an epic poem as something that tells ancient stories of Kings and Wars. It is the kind of poetry that use old fashioned language in order to Express the history in a beautiful way. Maybe epic poems don`t tell real stories and go into the fiction to show the beautiful side of those ancient wars.

3 comentarios:

Juan O. dijo...

well sum "tells ancient stories of Kings and Wars"....

But don't you think that there is a important moral in all epic poem?

salo_thug dijo...

I really like your definition of epic poem. I think it is kind of the same I thought before. Maybe was necessary saying that all these is fiction.


Mónica Soto Araya dijo...

I liked your Epic Poem definition. However, I think that, perhaps, Epic Poems are a way to hide or color, behind their fictional narrative, all the suffering that people feel in a specific context like, for example, a war.